Monday, September 30, 2024

Wandering Stars and My Friends (Impressions)


"A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. Then it is finished, no matter how brave its warriors or how strong their weapons." 


  • Memorable Characters - especially, as indicated by the above quote, the women.
  • Part One is solid historical fiction from the Native American perspective
  • Tommy Orange writes very readable historical fiction.
  • Part Two (set in 2018), the aftermath of the tragedy that ended Orange's There There, makes for tedious reading well before it is over. 
  • The novel offers little that hasn't already been said just as well in numerous other similar novels written by Native Americans.

"The trick time plays is to lull us into the belief that everything lasts forever, and, although nothing does, we continue to live in that dream."

  • Well developed, complex characters
  • Seamlessly ties together Libyan history from the 1980s through the aftermath of the Arab Spring of 2011
  • Excellent prose style
  • Vividly captures the paranoia that Libyan exiles lived with for decades
  • Satisfying and somewhat hopeful ending
Cons: None that are worth even mentioning

These are the seventh and eighth 2024 Booker Prize nominees that I've read. My Friends is one of my favorites so far, Wandering Stars one of my least favorites - with five still to go.

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