Monday, July 22, 2024

A Quick Hello with More to Follow

 I just realized that it's been a week since I've posted anything on Book Chase. That's kind of the way it's been going around here lately, it seems. It was only after we got power back on a few days ago that we both realized how exhausted we both were by the combination of constant heat, humidity, and limited sleep we had experienced for over a week. Strangely enough, that only became obvious to both of us after the AC came back on and we realized how little energy we had available to direct toward the clean-up still required. Thankfully we are both feeling much better the last couple of days, and things around here - despite the massive debris pickup still to be done in the county - are almost back to normal now. 

I hope to post again later today or in the morning about BOOKS. Can't wait to get back to some book-talk because the two books I've been concentrating on this week both proved to be mental lifesavers. I finished Tuned Out, the British time travel novel I mentioned (loved it), and I'm really enjoying the Jane Tennison novel I'm reading, The Dirty Dozen.

More later...hope you are all doing well.


  1. Glad they got your power restored finally and that you have AC again! A week (or was it two?) like what you've had would exhaust anyone.

    1. Turned out to be 8 days and 7 nights, Lark, a bit shorter than they had anticipated, actually. I went through this before, but I was younger and it didn't seem to affect me the same way. Also bounced back quicker back then. This time it was really starting to become a problem.

  2. Very glad to hear you have had power for a few days and air conditioning, etc. Also glad to hear that both the books you were reading helped.

    We are fine here.

    1. The books were both fun to read and really helped me relax and forget the reality of the situation for a few minutes at a time, Tracy. Now I need to get back in the habit of sitting down and writing about them. That's coming very slowly these days for some reason.

    2. Ever since I had the cataract surgeries, about one month now, I have had problems focusing on writing anything. It is getting a little better now, very slowly. So I sympathize.

    3. I hate to hear that, Tracy. Is it the brightness of the screen that bothers you or something less obvious?

    4. I was very fatigued on most days for at least 3 weeks after the surgeries, so I just did not have the energy to gather my thoughts for a post. And I would get easily distracted. So it seems to me to be less related to vision and more to mental fatigue. It is getting better and I seem to be motivated lately.

    5. That sounds similar to the effect that the storm and the trip have had on me, causing me a real difficulty in getting back to the "old" routine that I had established for myself. I've been distracted by all that's happening around me so much that I don't seem to focus as deeply on my reading lately. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time for both of us to get back to "normal." Glad to hear that you are feeling better and are adjusting to the new eyes you have.

  3. Thanks for writing, Sam. It must make you think about those days, not all that long ago when there was no air conditioning at all. Do you suppose it wasn't as hot then? Or were people just used to the heat? I'm quite sure my aunt in Freer didn't have it but I should check with my cousin.

    1. We didn't have AC in my family house until I was starting high school, Nan. I remember days in school when we were testing where the test papers were damp with perspiration by the time we were handing them in. And that was in high school. I suppose it was all bearable because we didn't know any better.

  4. Good to hear from you, Sam, and to hear that you're ok. I 'loathe' very hot weather so you have all my sympathy. Take care.

    1. Thanks, Cath. It's been raining so much these past few days that the temps are actually in the high eighties instead of the low one-hundreds. It's been a nice change, but I'm really ready for a few days of sunshine now.

  5. I'm glad your power is back and you are feeling better/rested again after the ordeal. Was you power out for a whole week? How is the debris clean up going? Take care, Sam... glad the worst of this ordeal is over.

    1. We were down for 8 days and 7 nights, JoAnn. It was enough to convince me that I'm too old to go through this too many more times. Just yesterday I contracted for installation of a back-up generator that runs on natural gas. There is such a demand in the area that it won't be installed until late in the year, long after the end of this hurricane season. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we won't take another direct hit this season, but I'm sure it's not the last storm we'll have to sweat out this year.

      The debris pick-up is going pretty slowly because it's overwhelming the ability of the country to deal with it. We have had so much rain these past few days that a huge, already weakened, pine tree fell in our neighborhood overnight. Now that street is completely impassible until the neighbors can saw it into movable pieces.


I always love hearing from you guys...that's what keeps me book-blogging. Thanks for stopping by.