Monday, August 16, 2021

She Wants to Be a Transhuman (courtesy of the BBC)

 Just a year or two ago, this would have seemed as ludicrous as a lot of the things we now take for granted. This YouTube video is from a BBC television show set in the near future. It's a heart-to-heart talk between a young woman and her parents about what she intends to do as soon as she can afford to transform herself into a "transhuman." 

It's clever, maybe even funny, but who knows how far away something like this might really be. Nothing much surprises me anymore. Don't give up on the's really well done, I think.


  1. Reminds me of The Ship Who Sang, a science fiction novel about a space ship with a human brain. The video is well done...and curious.

    1. I agree...very well done. Now I wish I could watch the whole episode sometime.

  2. At first I thought this was going to be something like Dennis Avner. No- makes me think of a Black Mirror episode. Disturbing.

    1. It's disturbing for sure, but not as farfetched as it used to be. I would not be surprised to find that a waiting list would develop if this kind of thing ever became possible. This world is not the one I find easy to recognize anymore.

  3. Replies
    1. Kind of spooky. I'm curious to learn how this story played out.


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