Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Santa May Be a Little Distracted - But Watch the Sky, He's Coming Soon

I'm hoping that Santa can tear himself away from his reading long enough to complete his rounds tonight. Looks like the guy is a real book nerd...three books going at once and a TBR stack close at hand.

Hey, maybe we should leave a book out for Santa instead of cookies and milk. 


  1. Love the idea of leaving a book out for Santa! :D Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas, Sam. Hope you've enjoyed your day. Personally I'd far rather have a book than a mince pie (what we're supposed to leave out here).

    1. I never learned to much like mince pies either, Cath...give me a book any day.

  3. My youngest found out the truth about Santa this year, so we didn't leave anything out! Oops. We should have left a book. Maybe next year.

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

    1. It's kind of a sad day when a household loses the Santa myth for good. I miss those days. Now, even my grandchildren have outgrown the old guy.


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