Saturday, June 20, 2020

When Snoopy Won the Cliché Trophy

I love how happy Snoopy is about winning that huge Cliché trophy -  and how Lucy works with him to reach near cliché perfection. 

This one got me wondering which contemporary author is holding that same trophy today. 


  1. Sam I'm a collector of cliches! I like to think that my predilection for them helps me keep them out of my writing. Still, I can't help but include a few. Usually I'll have a character I don't like spout one or two!

    Best wishes,
    Bill Glass

    1. I have a friend who collects them, too. Hundreds of them on his list now and he really enjoys browsing through them. I'm nominating Stephen King and James Patterson to my short list of habitual abusers to take Snoopy's trophy in 2020.

  2. I didn't know cliche collecting was a thing. Very interesting. It must be tough to write a whole novel without using a bunch of cliches.

    1. I think it's a lot tougher than most of us realize. I can't even write a whole review without using one or two of them.

  3. Our normal speech is constantly peppered with them to the extent that I'm not always aware I'm using a cliché. It must be a minefield for authors.

    1. Has to be for sure, Cath. And sometimes I can't even think of a better way to express a thought even when I'm aware that I'm falling back on a cliché.

      I hope you got some good news from the docs today. Thinking about both of you.


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