Sunday, June 07, 2015

Classic Literature as Pulp Fiction

Pulp! The Classics, an imprint of London book publisher Oldcastle Books Group, has come up with a clever way to sell copies of classic literature that are almost guaranteed never to be read.  That's because, you see, the books are being bought for their covers - not for what's inside those covers.  

Some of the finest representations of classic literature are being "reimagined" as if they had been published in pulp fiction's heyday, resulting in covers like these:

I really, really, really hope that at least a few of these are being purchased by gullible young readers who don't recognize the titles -  because their reactions would be rather priceless, I think.

If you are interested in acquiring any of these (or others in the line), Pulp! The Classics can be contacted at this British link.

The books go for 6.99 GBP each - about $11 US.  They would make great gifts for the right person...or for yourself.


  1. Oh my goodness! Those are most excellent! I'd like to have a couple of them as posters!

    1. It seems like they were selling something with these covers on it on their website...I hope I remember that correctly.

  2. I bought Heart of Darkness...couldn't resist...

    1. Way cool, Susan. I'm kinda drawn to that Frankenstein cover myself. Do let me know what you think about the book when it gets to you.


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