Thursday, April 05, 2012

Trishna (A Tess of the D'Urbervilles Makeover)

So what would happen if Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles were filmed in India and retold as a love story set in contemporary Indian society?  This movie trailer will give you a pretty good idea.  From what I can tell this film may have been released in parts of the world last year but is set for a July 13 opening in this country - and I could easily be entirely confused about all of that.

It is certainly an interesting concept and the music is catchy, but what do you think?  Is this something you want to see this summer?


  1. I would be interested to see this one. It has been many years since I have read Thomas Hardy's work and would be intrigued to see how this film follows the story with such a different setting and characters.

  2. I would definitely love to see this movie -- the trailer is fantastic, and Tess is one of my favorite stories ever.

  3. I'm curious about Trishna, too, mainly because I think it's clever to place it in such a totally different setting for the movie.


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