Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Careful-What-You-Wish-For Year

I see to be having one of those "Be careful what you wish for" years.  I am finding more have-to-read books in 2012 than during any year in recent memory.  It seems that every book I request from my public library system is available for pick-up almost immediately; that I cannot walk into a bookstore and leave without having purchased at least two books; that a greater number of quality ARCs are finding me than ever before; and, most surprising, that I am constantly discovering long lost gems that have been buried on my own bookshelves for years at a time.

I have to admit that this is a beautiful problem to have, but what's someone who reads at only a slightly-above-average speed to do?

Just today, for instance, I picked up the new Joyce Carol Oates novel, Mudwoman, from the library; a pristine used copy of Philip Roth's Library of America edition of Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories from a used book bookstore; and received two promising ARCs from Soho Press.  But, thankfully, a solution is on the way - I retire in 261 more days, so I'll just try to stay even until then.  Loving it.


  1. Lucky you! What a great place to be!

    Sam, have you picked up your box of books for World Book Night yet? I havent gotten my call yet.

  2. Ha, ha, ha! Are you expecting sympathy, Sam?

  3. Kayo, I am under the impression that we will be receiving an email from the World Book people tomorrow (April 16). I haven't heard from them in a while and I'm getting a little nervous about the pick-up.

  4. Susan, its very, very, very dark - even by JCO standards.


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