Wednesday, November 26, 2008

One New Chapter a Day

Although I've not read him, I know that Alexander McCall Smith is quite popular in the U.S. for his "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" novels, so some of you may enjoy what Mr. Smith is doing over on the Telegraph's website. The man is writing an online novel there, adding one chapter per day, called Corduroy Mansions and the Telegraph is making it available to readers via a variety of delivery mechanisms.

Smith has been working the project for a while now, but it is not too late to catch up and then get in on the fun of reading a new chapter each day. Just follow this link to the fun.

(Alexander McCall Smith, who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, is a British writer and expert on medical law who has written over 60 books since 1981. He appears to have at least four more books in the works for 2009.)

I don't think I'll have the time to experience this cool concept for myself, so I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this one. Have fun.


  1. Thanks for pointing that out, I don't know how I could have missed it. My favorite of McCall Smith's series is probably the 44 Scotland Street books, which he's been writing in serial in The Scotsman for the last several years (I don't know how log exactly, but it's been collected in four or five sizable volumes so far). Hard to keep up with the guy - four titles a year is about what he's been running lately.

  2. His picture makes me think of Winchester in the M*A*S*H series.

  3. I LOVE Alexander McCall Smith. In fact, I'm reading The Careful Use of Compliments right now. I've read all of the No. 1 Detective Agency novels. He's very prolific and talented. Four books a year? Incredible!

  4. Mella, you sound like a real fan...let me know what you think of the concept and how the book compares to his published work. Thanks.

  5. Are you going to read the newspaper book, Debbie?


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