Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Choice: Books or a Life Raft

Tori Murden McClure, vice president of Spalding University, was the first woman to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean. In today's Louisville Courier-Journal, McClure makes an interesting statement as the lead to her editorial piece in favor of having voters approve a new library district there. It's so unusual that I want to share it here:
I can live without people, but I cannot live without books. As I was leaving to row across the Atlantic, I had to choose: I could pack a 40-pound life raft, or I could take along a modest library. I took the books and sent the life raft home. The books were more important to my well being, my survival, than a rubber raft.
Now that's what I call a book lover.


  1. Not that I'd ever attempt to row across the Atlantic, but I'd opt for TWO rubber life boats if I did. :-)

  2. Okay, if she is rowing, who is holding the book and turning the pages?!? Shirley, she is talking about a night-lite and full body life-suit.

  3. Comments to the article in her hometown newspaper ripped her pretty good...they weren't buying it either.

  4. Tori Murden McClure rocks, her memoirs are next on my list of "must reads"

  5. Let me know what you think of the memoirs, Nomad...curious.


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