A seventeen-year-old book blog offering book reviews and news about authors, publishers, bookstores, and libraries.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Matrimony: A Novel

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Gift Box for Reluctant Readers

The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, hopes that spending some $11 million on book gift boxes for the poor of her country will encourage them to read more. She plans to give poor families gift boxes of up to nine books pulled together from a list of 49 titles that are deemed to be appropriate. Other than the fact that some of her critics declare that she would be better off building a few more libraries for her people instead of throwing this much money down what is potentially a black hole, the biggest controversy has centered on the choice of eligible books.
Chile's official choices include titles by Allende, Salinger, Kafka and others. Here's what I would put into a box if I were trying to create a little enthusiasm for reading in the life of some non-reader:
1. Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtryI would hope that the combination of literary fiction, light reading and history would make my target reader yearn for a little more of each type. These are some of my favorite books, of course, but it would be easy enough for me to come up with other combinations that might serve the purpose even better. What do you think?
2. A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving
3. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
4. Battle Cry of Freedom - James M. McPherson
5. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant - Anne Tyler
6. Team of Rivals - Doris Kearns Goodwin
7. Time and Again - Jack Finney
8. Time on My Hands - Peter Delacorte
9. We Were the Mulvaneys - Joyce Carol Oates
Monday, October 29, 2007
This Is Not Rugby
Here's the whole story.
I Never Saw Paris

When four New Yorkers waiting on the sidewalk to cross the street are crushed by a car whose driver has been struck by a fatal heart attack, all five of the newly dead find themselves face-to-face with Malakh, an angel who is there to prepare them for the court appearance that will decide their fate. Malakh requires each to practice for that court date by explaining his life in front of the others and he keeps them relatively honest by prodding them in the right direction with scenes from their past that usually show them at their worst.
But Malakh is in for a surprise when the little group bonds so tightly that his job becomes a bit of a challenge. Suddenly the Holocaust survivor, the young man who made a nice living as a gay prostitute, the elderly black woman who knows the Bible almost by heart, the rich socialite whose only purpose in life was to shop at the best stores, and the powerful businessman who cheated on his wife with a vengeance realize that they are all in this together.
Harry Freund makes the point that life is long enough for most people to slip now and then by doing things that they are ashamed of for the rest of their lives. But some slip more often, and in more serious ways, than others. I Never Saw Paris is a hopeful look about what might happen when it comes time to explain ourselves. This is one of those rare books that I enjoyed despite not really liking a single character in the story, human or angel. That is an accomplishment in itself.
Rated at: 3.5
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Darkness Falls

Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Choice: Books or a Life Raft

I can live without people, but I cannot live without books. As I was leaving to row across the Atlantic, I had to choose: I could pack a 40-pound life raft, or I could take along a modest library. I took the books and sent the life raft home. The books were more important to my well being, my survival, than a rubber raft.Now that's what I call a book lover.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Has J.K. Rowling Broken Faith with Her Readers?
What I have found odd, and a bit irritating, these last few days is that, from everything I've read, there is apparently little, if anything, in the books themselves that indicate that Professor Dumbledore is gay. Rather, it seems that Rowling is able to generate all of this "buzz" simply by claiming that she always thought of him as gay. Her flippancy has forever tainted the books for many of her readers, I suspect. I know that I would not be happy to learn after reading seven books that one of the main characters in the books is not the man that the author led me to believe he is and that I may have missed some serious implications in the plot line, things that I would not have missed if the author had not hidden in print what she now claims in public speaking events.
Chauncey Mabe, Books Editor of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel apparently feels even more strongly that Rowling needs to quit rewriting the meaning of the books on the fly than I do. He feels that Rowling is simply pandering to her audience for "easy applause." After all, a little political correctness never hurt book sales.
It all started at a reading Rowling gave to 1,000 lucky fans, winners of a contest sponsored by her American publisher, Scholastic, at Carnegie Hall in New York. A youngster asked if Dumbledore, "who believed in the prevailing power of love, ever fell in love himself?"...
"I always thought of Dumbledore as gay," Rowling replied.
The audience first gasped at the revelation, then gave the author a standing ovation. "If I'd known this would make you this happy," a beaming Rowling said, "I would have announced it years ago."
If 20 years as a literary journalist have taught me anything, it's that once a writer sets down her pen, turns off her word processor, or settles the dustcover on her typewriter, she knows no more than the average reader -- about anything, including her own books....
Readers, it is true, may now detect some faint hints in the pages of the Potter books that Dumbledore is not quite your average heteronormative grandpa figure, although this is most likely to reduce a beloved figure to stereotype. Besides, if Dumbledore had wanted the world to know he was gay, he would have come out in the text.
If Rowling had really wanted to mix the question of sexual tolerance into this equation, she might have shown Dumbledore living as a gay man in the world found within the Potter series.Exactly.
There the matter would have been subject to all the tension and conflict appropriate to its setting: What would being gay mean in the wizarding society? What pressures might sexual orientation, worked out dramatically, have exerted on Dumbledore and the evolution of his character?
On the page, the revelation of Dumbledore's sexual orientation would have meant something. Delivered in an auditorium? It's just an easy applause line.
J.K. Rowling, who led us on a fantastic ride with nary a false step through seven stupendously daring and inventive books, has broken faith with the reader.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Personal Note
I just wanted to mention that I'm starting a temporary corporate job in the morning that will keep me busy during the day for what should be the next 6-8 weeks. That means I won't be around much until the evenings but I'm hoping that Book Chase doesn't suffer from any shortage of time on my part. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into an office setting for a few weeks, and the thought that I'll be seeing a paycheck again for the next little while is kind of nice, too. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be slower responding to email and the like than I have been in the past.
Now I have to find that old alarm clock...
Abandoned Books
Just this week I read about 40 pages of Elmer Kelton's memoirs, Sandhills Boy, a book I had looked forward to for several weeks. Kelton has been on my list of favorite authors for years and I couldn't imagine not liking this one. It just couldn't happen...but it did. Kelton grew up in West Texas, in a family of real cowpunchers, and he writes some of the most realistic stories I've ever read about both 19th century cowboys and the more modern version. He removes the myth from westerns and shows cowboy life for the tough thing that it really was. Why then did this book of memoirs read like it was written by someone else? I didn't sense any of the Kelton style at all and was bored with it almost from the start. I looked through the rest of the book before giving up on it because it gave me no reason to continue. This was a major disappointment for me.
Another one that just didn't work for me is the relatively popular The World without Us, by Alan Weisman. I've seen nothing but good reviews for this one and I read about 125 pages into it before it started to seem so repetitious that I lost interest in it. I was fascinated by the descriptions of what would happen to major cities if man were suddenly to disappear from the face of the earth. Weisman painted a vivid picture of what the slowly crumbling infrastructure would look like and how long it would take for vegetation and animal life to reclaim the cities but other chapters didn't hold my attention. Based on the reaction of other readers, I think that I probably just opened this one at the wrong time and there's a chance that I'll return to it later.
And then there's Max Barry's Company, a book that was supposed to make me laugh at out loud at the absurdity of office life, an environment I experienced first hand for three decades. Well, what the book describes is definitely absurd but it didn't make me laugh even to myself. Maybe that kind of humor has passed me by. It just seemed so juvenile and silly that I soon felt that I was wasting my time with it. I'm going to give the author all the blame for my reaction to this one.
Matthew Pearl's The Poe Shadow is one that I really wanted to like. I'm intrigued by Poe and his books and was hoping to lose myself in his world for a while. I actually read half of this relatively long book before it occurred to me that it had become a real chore and that I was avoiding it. I found the book to be too long for so little plot and I gradually lost interest and ended up wishing I'd not read so many pages of it before giving up on it.
I've read a whole lot of Elmore Leonard in the last thirty years or so and have long admired the way this man writes dialog. His characters often reveal more about themselves in conversation than many writers can pack into a dozen descriptive paragraphs. But Up in Honey's Room does not even come close to meeting the lofty standards set by Leonard in most of his previous books. The main characters never became believable to me and that kept me from even coming close to losing myself in Leonard's plot. I was surprised at my reaction to this one because it is the very first Elmore Leonard book that I've ever started and failed to finish.
Those are five of the eleven incomplete reads that I've struggled with in 2007. I suppose that I shouldn't feel too bad since I'm only having that happen about once a month, on average, but I look back and regret the precious reading time that I squandered.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Welsh Girl

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Oh, N'Oprah, Not Again

Looks like Oprah's book search staff may have let her down again because surely Oprah will take no blame for this...or anything else. USA Today discusses Oprah's latest misstep in the book world.
Could Oprah Winfrey's televised blessing become an embarrassment for recipient Jessica Seinfeld?...
After the wife of comedian Jerry Seinfeld appeared Oct. 8 on Winfrey's show to discuss her cookbook, Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food, online message boards erupted with questions about the originality of the book's premise.
Winfrey extravagantly praised Deceptively Delicious, which explains how to slip healthy food into children without their knowledge.
Deceptively zoomed up the best-seller lists. The $24.95 book is No. 2 on USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list. More than 1.2 million copies are in print....
Soon after Seinfeld's appearance on the talk show, postings at Amazon.com and Oprah.com noted that there is another cookbook that advocates these same techniques and specific ingredients: The Sneaky Chef by Missy Chase Lapine, the former publisher of Eating Well magazine. Published in April by Running Press, the book has 150,000 copies in print.
Lapine says she and her publicists pitched the Oprah show five times without success. She also points out she submitted her 139-page book proposal with 31 recipes and 11 purees twice to HarperCollins (Seinfeld's publisher), once in February 2006 without an agent and again with an agent in May 2006.So the question is whether or not Seinfeld's publisher and Oprah were interested in the book mostly because of her celebrity status and the ratings and sales that her name would bring to the project. I'll admit that I'm not a fan of Oprah's book club, but even her fans will have to admit that this is getting ridiculous.
"The one big fact is that they had access to my manuscript early on," Lapine says. Seinfeld's book was signed up in June 2006.
"There are at least 15 of my recipes that ended up in her book," Lapine says. However, she says, recipes are hard to protect: "If you change one ingredient, you're safe." She says that after her publisher contacted HarperCollins, Deceptively's cover was modified from the one featured on a promotional brochure. The word "simple" was inserted in place of "sneaky."
The Hours

As I listened to Michael Cunningham read The Hours, I found my opinion of the book changing to a more positive one as I finished each of the six discs. Because the audio version of the book does not have clearly defined chapter breaks, I at first found it difficult to keep the three stories that Cunningham alternates separated in my mind. But as I grew more and more comfortable with the three main characters and their separate storylines, I began to realize what a well-constructed piece of writing The Hours is.
Monday, October 22, 2007
How to Create a Bestseller in Ten Easy Steps

I've been fascinated by marketing and advertising techniques as long as I can remember, and when I can combine my passion for books with my interest in marketing it's a match made in heaven. That's why this lesson in book marketing from the BBC folks caught my eye. In connection with the all the talk about the Booker Prize last week, BBC News offered 10 ways to create a bestseller.
1. Word of Mouth - Who do we really trust? When the chips are down, it's the opinions of our friends and family and colleagues that matter in all things.
But that's not to say that word of mouth is an entirely natural, organic process. Publishers would sell their grandmothers for ways to manipulate it. From viral marketing to social networking, they'll try many avenues of multimedia attack to get the books into the hands of the literary pioneers in any group of friends.
(I think that what we do as book bloggers fits into this category, still thought to be the single most important thing necessary to create a successful book. Publishers have come to understand that the chatter on book blogs can help sell books for them and their working relationship with book blogs continues to evolve in a positive way.)
2. The Book Group - A big part of the word of mouth network are the little reading groups of friends that have sprung up around the country in the past decade. Over cheese and nibbles the fates of novels are decided. Most people are not in a book group but many people know someone who is in one. Book groups are the crucible.
(Maybe it's just me, but I don't belong to any book clubs and I don't personally know anyone who does. I do know that my local library has three active book clubs but their choices have never appealed to me enough for me to join them. But the BBC ranks being picked up as the darling of book groups as the second best thing that can happen to a new book.
3. Richard and Judy - Book groups have to get their ideas from somewhere and many implant themselves into the minds of the members via the Richard and Judy Book Club. Modeled on the fearsomely influential Oprah's Book Club, it has backed many of the titles that have come to be book group classics.
(I know that more than a few of us ridicule the likes of Oprah and Richard and Judy when it comes to their "book clubs" but what we can't argue with is the impact that they have on book sales. I can't help but feeling embarrassed to be seen with a book that has one of those cheesy Oprah stickers on its cover, but plenty of others look only for that sticker before heading to the cash register with the rest of the sheep already in line.)
4. Author - It's almost too obvious to state, but the easiest people to market to are the people waiting for the next installment.
(The very names of a few authors have become brand names. That is not always an indicator that the reader is going to get his money's worth, of course, but in the world of book bestsellers it does tend to keep the sheep heading for the cash register. What I find particularly obscene is when writers like James Patterson and Tom Clancy sublease their names to other writers who churn the books out for them. About all Clancy and Patterson have to do with some of their books appears to be their names written in bright colors and large letters on the covers. Disgusting.)
5. Art of Covers- There has always been great cover art on novels in British mass publishing, particularly on Penguins, but the production quality has now rocketed. "Penguin blazed a trail but everyone else has caught up. The cover can make or break a book. The book as 'object' is ever more important."
(There's no doubt about this one. With the huge number of books being published each week, covers have become the way for books to distinguish themselves from the pack. There is only so much time for a person to browse the shelves of a books store and when unusual and especially attractive covers grab the eye, the hand follows.)
6. In-store Marketing - With the end of agreements that controlled the price of books the key battlegrounds are the supermarket and the chain bookstore. And in these chains if you're not on those pyramids of books in the front of the ground floor of the store, you're dead. Does anybody find themselves flicking through a new novel where one copy has been placed in the far corner of the fourth floor?
(Bookstore placement is critical to successful sales. No doubt about it. But I still can't help but be irked about the large payments that publishers are making in order to buy those front tables and huge displays in the major chains. I don't see how small publishers have much of a chance of producing a bestseller since they don't have the budgets required to get it done.)
7. Rise of Prizes - There is nothing as priceless as free publicity and this is what the literary prizes offer in spades. The trinity in the UK of the Man Booker Prize, the Orange Prize (for female authors) and the Costa Book Awards (formerly the Whitbread) can get the ball-rolling for a monster-selling book.
(Is there any doubt as to why the number of prizes awarded seems to increase on an almost yearly basis? It's also the reason that so many avid readers have become so skeptical of the whole prize concept.)
8. Unusual Titles - Who isn't tempted to at least pick and have a flick through a Salmon Fishing in the Yemen or A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian?
(No doubt about it. Heck, it's fun to carry around some of those unusual titles just to see if anyone notices them. Two people approached me in two different coffee shops to ask about Reading Lolita in Tehran when they spotted it on my table. They couldn't help but notice that title above the heads of two young Muslim women who were so immersed in the same book that one was holding.)
9. Praise For - Once upon a time in the monomedia world, the reviewer was king. Powerful newspaper literary critics bestrode the world of publishing like colossi. Now not so much.
As Mr Rickett notes: "People themselves are the reviewers now on Amazon and on all kinds of sharing websites. Reader response has almost supplanted the top-down role of the critic."
(Much to the chagrin of professional book reviewers everywhere, this does seem to be more and more the case. I know that I'm much more likely to choose my next book based on what I read in the book blogging community than on what I read in the New York Times book section.)
10. Newspaper Serialisation - One for the non-fiction work predominantly, serialisation delivers a risk-free prospect for the author at least. If the attention brings sales then great. If it persuades people they've had enough then the writer has still got a whacking fee from the newspaper.So there you have it...how to create a bestseller in ten not-so-easy steps. All it takes is money, influence and a lot of luck, so what's the problem?
(This, I think, is much less common in the U.S. than it is in Britain and I don't think it has much impact here at all.
What does seem to be missing from the list is author book tours. I've read that those are generally losing propositions for the publisher since they oftenfind it difficult to sell enough books to cover the tour expenses. Book tours probably work well for big name authors and not much for the lesser known ones. That probably translates into overkill for well known authors and futility for the little guys.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Uncommon Reader

For a while, the sheer joy of reading is enough for
Saturday, October 20, 2007
OJ Soon to Pollute the UK
UK rights have been sold to Gibson Square Books, an independent publisher which prides itself on publishing books that "provoke", and a British edition is due for publication on November 8. Speaking for Gibson Square earlier today, Martin Rynja rejected the suggestion that the imprint had moved from provocation to profiting from a horrendous crime....
"We publish a lot of books which are controversial," he said. "We publish books which we believe in and are important." He pointed to the fashion for publishing criminal memoirs, suggesting that those who have raised their voices against the publication of If I Did It have been silent in the face of successful memoirs from people implicated in other acts that have left others hurt, a stance he finds "incomprehensible".
According to Rynja, the family's prime motivation was not financial.
"Sure there's money involved," he admitted, "but they didn't think of it." The idea that Simpson should write a memoir confessing hypothetically to the murders did not originate from the Goldman camp, he explained.
If it had been a thriller about how to get away with murder Rynja is sure they would not have published it, but faced with a book that could put "facts" that "only Simpson could have known" into the public domain, they had little choice.I really feel bad for Rynja and Gibson Square Books. The poor babies "had little choice" about publishing this trash and accepting all of that blood money. Isn't that sad?
Friday, October 19, 2007
McIlhenny's Gold: How a Louisiana Family Built the Tabasco Empire

Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Quill Awards

Speaking of book awards, it's getting close to the big show that presents the only book awards that are voted on by the reading public. The Quill Awards happen in New York on October 22 and most NBC stations will broadcast the awards show as a special presentation on October 27.
Monday evening, Oct. 22, at Manhattan's Jazz at Lincoln Center, Byrne puts on the third-annual Quill Awards with Today's Al Roker and Ann Curry hosting, Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central opening and an A-list of celebrities presenting as a score of authors are honored--Al Gore and former Time magazine Managing Editor Walter Isaacson among them. Roker's production company will produce the evening for an hour-long broadcast airing Oct. 27....
But aren't there already too many book awards? Byrne's rationale for creating the Quills: The other awards are all chosen and handed out by the industry, to the industry. "It's inside baseball," he says. "The Quills are the only awards on which the public does the voting."Most of the awards have been announced already, but it should be fun to see some of the glitz involved in the process of handing them out. I think that all but "Book of the Year" have been announced, but here's a short list of winners from a few of the 19 different categories being awarded.
Cormac McCarthy's The Road won in General Fiction, while Diane Setterfield will be honored as Debut Author of the Year for The Thirteenth Tale. Other winners include Al Gore (History/Current Events/Political), Nora Roberts (Romance), Amy Sedaris (Humor), Walter Isaacson (Biography) and David Wiesner (Children's Picture Book).It should be fun if I can just remember to turn on the television that night. I've been out of the habit of watching TV for so long now that I tend to let this kind of thing slide right past me before I realize I've missed it
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Booker Prize Is Evil

British author Robert Harris, while admitting that there is no way that he would ever win the Booker Prize, decided to tell the world how little that bothers him. In an interview with Lucy Cavendish, he condemned the whole process:
"The Booker Prize is evil," he says. "No great authors in the past, from Dickens through to Kipling, Waugh, Joyce, Orwell etc would have had anything to do with it....
"The Booker casts a long shadow over literary life. It has swollen like a monstrous boil obscuring anything that was ever good about it. It encourages and fosters the difference between supposed 'literary' novels and other perfectly good books. It reveres a certain type of novel yet great writers of the world may never have featured in it and lots of books that are short-listed in it disappear without a trace."
Harris says he wants to speak out against the Booker because he feels so strongly about it. "I can see it probably looks a bit dog-in-the-manger as there is no conceivable way I would ever win it, or should win it," he says, "but that's not why I am saying this. The Booker ruins people's lives. It does a disservice to the public and it is damaging to authors and the industry, especially this hateful, ghastly long list. Authors feel their book has failed even before it's been published if it is not selected."Sour grapes? You decide, but I have to think that's largely what's going on here since Harris writes the kind of novel that is unlikely to ever win any of the various literary prizes handed out each year. He's a fine writer of a certain type of book, and I've enjoyed several of them. The whole tone of what he has to say in this interview makes me wonder if Cavendish didn't just catch him on a particularly bad day when he was feeling resentful about the caste system that exists in the publishing world, a system in which authors seem to have been generally relegated into two classes: those who seek to top the bestseller lists and those who have literary aspirations.
He says that when the prize first started it was probably to help bring the work of not so well known authors into the public realm. "I can see for a book like Yann Martel's Life of Pi it is a good thing, but over the past five or so years the judges have kowtowed to the worst sort of political correctness. It's hard to think of anyone who is non-PC or doesn't deal with the concerns of the sexual minority or colonial guilt who could possibly make it on to the list. The books are all written in the same way. They are elegant, elegiac but dull and dry. They do not connect with their readers. They are just deadening to read."
He saves the worst of his criticism though for the actual prize ceremony itself. "I go to the dinner and there are only about 20 authors there out of about 1,000 people. The rest are all the agents and the buyers and it's full of ghastly phoney hangers-on. In fact, I think the Booker sucks the oxygen out of the air.
It has been milked by publicists. No wonder that book Crystal is selling so well. It is probably a more enjoyable read."
Harris has sold a large number of books in the past. Sounds like he needs a little love from his peers to make him feel better about his career.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Robots Who Read and Stolen Books
The first bit comes from EarthTimes.org and talks about a German "robot" that has been given a two-year job of reading historically important books and storing them in its digital memory.
One of Germany's greatest treasuries of books, the Bavarian State Library in Munich, said Tuesday it had set a robot to work "reading" the books and storing more than 7.5 million images of the pages in its digital memory. The device, which uses gentle suction and a breath of air to turn the pages, is to work until 2009, digitizing 37,000 German-language books dating from the period 1518 to 1600....
Library officials said the images would then be put on the internet.
The robot can scan up to 1,500 books an hour, with human staff only having to put each book into position. Library staff say they are confident it will not damage the priceless old books.And then there's news from PressTV about a "most stolen" index being used at the huge Frankfort Book Fair to predict which new books are going to sell best later this year.
The Frankfurt Book Fair is using the 'most stolen book' index to help publishers estimate public interest in their new publications.You just never know, do you?
Bild am Sonntag and Germany's ZDF television have prepared lists of the most stolen titles from 15 leading German publishers' stands in the Frankfurt trade fair grounds.
"The most-stolen books are usually the most-sold later on," said Claudia Hanssen of the Goldmann Verlag publishing house.
"They're the popular ones and are most likely to end up on the best-seller lists," Hanssen added.
Monday, October 15, 2007
O.J.'s Book "like staring straight into an open sewer"

Book reviewer Rod Liddle, in the first two paragraphs of his review in the Sunday Times of London, completely destroyed O.J. Simpson's supposed book and everyone responsible for placing the thing in bookstores around the world.
It's hard to fault anything that Liddle had to say.
Now, here’s a thing. A book that is simultaneously morally disgusting and excruciatingly dull. A filthy little project that, although extremely brief (there’s a lot of padding in those 208 pages), succeeds in both boring the reader beyond endurance and making him gag. Hurry, hurry, while stocks last, etc....
On the other hand, the stuff about the book — how it came into being and why — is quite compelling, in the same way that staring straight into an open sewer can be quite compelling for a while. What’s going to float along next? That old thing horrified fascination, I suppose.
Now, why did the Goldmans decide, in effect, to collaborate with the repulsive man who had killed their son? One answer — which you can believe, if you like — is in the lengthy foreword to the book from the Goldman family. Was it for the dosh, the greenbacks, the moolah? No, no, no — heaven forfend! “So here we sit,” they write, “having to take on this incredibly controversial book project, which many deemed abhorrent, disgusting and dirty, and turn it into something powerful and positive. Having read the manuscript in great detail, we are more determined than ever to put this product out into the world as an exposé of a murderer.”...
Ah, we see. Well, I suppose they’ve turned it into something that their bank manager would undoubtedly see as “powerful and positive”; but the whole world suspects that Simpson was the murderer, particularly after he was found liable in the civil suit. So your point is? Indeed, the entire foreword is an emetic, prolonged whine of self-justification ineffectively masking self-interest and financial greed.
Incidentally, the family of Nicole Brown Simpson objected to the whole shebang. Thank the Lord, you might be thinking, for a bereaved family with a sense of dignity and decency. But then you learn that they applied, unsuccessfully, to the court for a chunk of the profits.Well, that about says it all. No one involved in this fiasco seems to be thinking about much but how much money they can squeeze from the brutal deaths of two people. How horrible is that?
The “If I Did It” bit, by OJ himself (via the third-rate, bland hackery of the benighted Fenjves, employing the grammar, the turn of phrase, the recourse to cliché, and all the psychological insight of a moron), is not remotely worth reading.
Read the whole column here.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A Decent End for Unwanted Books
We all wish that most of the discards could be given a second life by being placed in the hands of hospital patients, those in prisons, and group homes. But we all know that a substantial percentage of them simply end up taking up space in some landfill. That's why it's good to see that there is an alternative to that kind of waste. Colorado's Post Independent tells what happened to leftover books at one of the state's regional libraries.
Donated by citizens or culled from the library shelves, they were damaged or out-of-date, the books had remained unsold at the Basalt River Days' book sale in mid-August. Schools and individuals had been notified they were free, and a few had been rescued. But the rest silently soaked up whatever page-curling sun and cover-swelling moisture the elements dealt them....
Not so long ago, the land where the library now stands was marshy, and these books might have slowly sunk into the mix of water, bugs and roots.
Something similar was in store for them tonight.
So Hans Ayers, a friend who works at West Glenwood's Caca Loco composting site, met me at the library with his van. The books on the library porch were about to be destroyed and reborn again - as fertilizer. Moving them from the porch to the van was the first step in their voyage into Caca Loco's "soup": the batter of paper, wood chips and sanitation waste that, properly mixed, drained, steamed and strained, becomes the fertilizer that feeds many of our valley's trees and plants....
The Caca Loco compost site at the South Canyon landfill is a busy and smelly place nestled among empty, sweet-smelling hills. Dust swirls in the air. Trucks beep as they back up to dump their loads of wood, cardboard and other paper waste: food packaging, milk cartons, tissues, shredded paper and magazines.Now there's one stinky story that actually made me smile and feel a little better about the fate of unwanted and obsolete books.
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007
Germany to Test Book TV
I'm sure that would be a rather risky investment but there are so many little niche channels out there already that it doesn't seem impossible. According to DW-World, a group in Germany has decided to see if they can make just such a station work there.
The broadcaster, called lettra, aims to keep book lovers up-to-date with what's going on in the world of fact and fiction. It's set to go on air on Nov. 24. on the pay TV channel Premiere Star....
The idea of literature TV was the brainchild of Jan Henne De Dijn who announced the launch at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Thursday.
The company aims to appeal to book worms of all kinds, featuring programs about children's literature, novels, factual and self-help books, educational literature and reference works....
Five hours of programming a day are initially planned. The centerpiece will be a two-hour live show every weekday evening. There will also be a morning show for children, along with literary adaptations, magazine shows and documentaries.
"We won't be presenting books and reading in a high-brow manner, but competently and informatively," said lettra's co-managing director and editor-in-chief Carsten Meincke. "We want to be entertaining and humorous and reflect the creativity and the variety of the book world. After all, we want to make television for everyone who love books."
Lettra also wants to let everyone with a passion for books have their say, giving a voice to readers, as well as writers and publishers.German television viewers will have to pay to be able to see this programming. I'm not sure from the article whether or not it will be available as part of a "package" or if it will have to be purchased separately. But this is exactly the kind of thing that cable television and satellite TV people love to package here as part of their "basic package" so that they can claim a higher number of viewer choices. Oh well, I can dream.
De Dijn is hoping to attract half a million viewers by the end of the
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Library Sales Disappointments
Libraries now have groups of volunteers who pull the better books from what has been donated so that they can sell those books to book dealers or on eBay. I understand why they want to do that, of course, but it eliminates most of the excitement of a big library sale. Searching for that elusive needle in the haystack is part of the fun and I miss it. Worse, yet I have noticed on at least two occasions that library staff pluck books for themselves before the doors are open to the general public. And worst of all was the time that I noticed one library employee letting her friends rummage through what was for sale at least an hour before the rest of us were allowed to take a look.
This article from the Chronicle-Telegram points out a new hazard that I haven't yet encountered, special scanners with a built-in data base to immediately recognize the more valuable books.
Collecting books for more than a decade, Mittler has slowly refined his bibliophilic taste, selecting choice books he knows are worth a little extra. But at this year’s sale he’ll be competing with people who aren’t so much book-lovers as they are people zealously committed to finding a book worth more than a buck....
They’re called “scanners.” They use handheld scanners to scan the bar codes on books, checking a book’s price in a database downloaded to the handheld device. Some people say it’s cheating, but organizers of the Elyria book sale say they’re allowing the scanners at this year’s sale — simply to be fair.
“These people will go in teams and hit row upon row of books with bar code scanners,” Mittler said.
Of course, some of the really old books don’t have bar codes, so a book dealer’s depth of knowledge can be invaluable.
“Dealers know exactly what they’re looking for,” Mittler said.
Popular these days, for instance, are “hyper-modern” books written just within the past few decades, but still hard to find.I have to admit, that being a high-tech addict, that little scanner is a very tempting new toy. I'm going to have to see what I can find out about them...yes, I'll feel guilty about that.
Some great examples: Any autographed, first-edition book by Cormac McCarthy floats around $600 to $700, while a 2003 limited-edition print of “The Kite Runner,” by Khaled Hosseini, fetches more than $2,000.
“Most people looking at that would see a new book and just pass right over it,” Mittler said. “That’s where a knowledge of book collecting comes in.”
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Witches of Dixie

Stamps offers a glimpse into the lives of four women, all practitioners of Wicca, who are facing the same daily pressures and problems with which all of us contend. What is different about these women is the way that they deal with what life throws at them.
We meet Savannah Monroe who is suddenly faced with the fact that sales of the "magickal handbags" that she depends on for her income are slumping badly. There is Maylene Whitmire, a woman who comes to feel that she is having so little impact on the world that she is becoming invisible in the eyes of others. Mirabella Middleton, who has had a successful art career for years suddenly finds that a declining economy is taking a toll on the ability of galleries to sell her work. And, finally, there is Ravena Riley who is sadly watching her husband go through the midlife crisis that is threatening the very stability of their marriage.
What all of these women have in common is their close relationship to nature and the spells and rituals that are part of Wicca. They are White Witches and they know where to go to get the help that they need. As Ravena once explained to her husband, "A White Witch worships the feminine aspects of the Divine...Someone who desires a magickal life, following a code that instructs every thought and spell to work for the good of all."
Each woman begins to solve the problems facing her by using the real spells, chants and rituals included throughout the book. As each ultimately conquers the worst that she is faced with, the reader is left with a clear understanding of the principles of Wicca and those who practice it in the twenty-first century. It is a fascinating look into a lifestyle of which most of us know very little, and understand even less.
Rated at: 3.5
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Born into a family situation in which her father took several wives, although each maintained a separate household, Ali did not see much of her father for long periods and was raised by her more religiously tolerant grandmother and mother. Even as a girl, she found herself questioning authority and some of the basic tenants of her religion while still striving to do the things that were expected of her. Ali learned exactly what those expectations were. Circumcised as a young girl and educated by radical imams, she soon learned that by so much as uncovering her hair in public she would be solely responsible for whatever reaction she received from any male she encountered. She learned that the Koran was to be taken literally as the direct word of Allah and that it could never be questioned even when it seemed to justify the beating and killing of women by husbands, brothers or fathers who believed them to have disgraced the honor of the family or clan.
She tried very hard to internalize all that she was taught, but Ayaan Hirsi Ali was born with a questioning mind and could never reconcile herself to the fact that she felt much of what she was taught to be unjust. And when she saw an opportunity to escape and make a new life for herself she took it. While in Germany to arrange for the paperwork to join her new husband in Canada, the result of an arranged marriage set up by her father, she took the opportunity to flee to Holland where she sought and received refugee status.
What Ali accomplished in Holland is the most amazing part of her story. She learned the Dutch language so well that she was able to support herself as a translator rather than having to depend on the Dutch welfare system. She went to university and received a degree. She was granted Dutch citizenship. And, most amazing of all, she was elected to the Dutch parliament.
Never afraid to speak her mind despite the danger of doing so, Ali spoke loudly about the plight of Muslim women forced into arranged marriages who suffered beatings and, on occasion, honor killings at the hands of either their new husbands or their own family. When Dutch film director, Theo van Gough, who collaborated with her on a film documentary about the abuse of Muslim women within the confines of their religion was murdered on the street, she was forced into hiding, almost had her Dutch citizenship stripped from her, and eventually moved to the United States for her own safety.
Ali states her beliefs and goals very simply: "...the Quran is an act of man, not of God. We should be free to interpret it; we should be permitted to apply it to the modern era in a different way, instead of performing painful contortions to try to recreate the circumstances of a horrible distant past. My intention (is) to liberate Muslim minds, so that Muslim women - and Muslim men, too - might be freer. Men, too, are forced to obey inhumane laws."
Is this really a crime for which she and others should be killed?
Rated at: 5.0
Monday, October 08, 2007
Reading Slumps and Real Country Music
I suppose that I've just been overwhelmed with little time-killers, and really big time-killers, for the last couple of weeks but, when I do find a few minutes to read, I'm suddenly finding it hard to shut my mind down long enough to concentrate on the words on the page. And that's a shame, because I'm in various stages of completing five pretty good books right now (see the list in the left hand column of the blog for details).
I've added two links, one to a web forum that I help moderate and one to the new country music radio station that I set-up yesterday, a job that ended up consuming almost twelve hours of time. I've been involved in internet radio for over four years and, sadly enough, have parted ways with the original station. The focus of both stations is the promotion of traditional country music, and especially of those bands and singers still recording that kind of music today. Most people don't realize that there are lots of people still writing and recording in that style, so it's been fun to help those people get their music heard. Fans of "real country music" are invited to click on the radio link to hear what I mean.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get back in the groove soon because I feel like I've forgotten how to read. Instead of 200 pages a day, I'm struggling to read 60. This, too, shall pass...I can't wait.