1. The Spark - Kristine Barnett (story of an autistic little boy whose IQ is higher than Einstein's)
2. Mr. Lincoln's Battle with God - Stephen Mansfield (definitely not your father's Abe Lincoln)
3. Butterfly in the Typewriter - Cory MacLauchlin (intriguing biography of reclusive author John Kennedy Toole)
4. Celebrating Pride and Prejudice - Susannah Fullerton (everything you ever wanted to know about the best loved novel ever written)
5. A Chance to Win - Jonathan Schuppe (a paralyzed drug dealer tries to turn his life around by helping the neighborhood kids form a baseball team)
6. She Left Me the Gun - Emma Brockes (a British woman learns the truth about her mother's first 30 years)
7. Good Prose - Tracy Kidder, Richard Tood (part memoir, part writing manual - co-authored by Kidder and his longtime editor)
8. After Visiting Friends - Michael Hainey (a newspaper man uncovers the truth about his father's death on a Chicago street)
This is turning into a year during which I read even more fiction than normal, but I expect to have a nice Top Ten list by year-end.
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Have a great weekend, everyone!