Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Quick Personal Note

I have been down with the flu since Friday and I've spent more time sleeping than reading or doing anything else. Thankfully, I'm feeling a bit better this afternoon and I'm hoping that things gradually return to normal for me over the next few days.

I've actually been able to finish two books since Thursday but I can't imagine writing anything about them right now that would even come close to making sense. The good news is that I've caught up on sleep (thanks to the medicine) and lost a few pounds. The bad news is that I caught the flu on my third vacation day and I'll be way behind when I return to the office early next week. At this point, I'll consider this a moral victory if I can keep some of those lost pounds from returning - you have to take your wins where you find them.


  1. A coworker of mine was recently talking about the weight she lost while dealing with an abscessed tooth. I think pain and sickness are the only radical diets that don't have their own books and someone with lots of letters after his/her name endorsing them. I suppose books like that would be a bit of a tough sell, lol.

  2. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Hope you feel better soon, Sam! I'm pretty stuffy right now, but feel OK and hope to avoid the flu this year!

  4. Library Girl, I'm not sure it's worth it but at least one good thing comes from the flu. :-) Maybe I need to write that book.

  5. Thanks for the good wishes, y'all. I'm feeling a good bit better in the last three hours or so. Maybe it's finally down hill from here.

  6. I'd been wondering where you were. I'm glad you're on the road to better.

  7. I am with you in the illness department. I have also been knocked out by the flu bug. Just starting to feel a little like myself. My clothes are a little looser also but I have a feeling that won't last long once I am 100%.

  8. I'm still fighting it, Factotum...sleeping a lot and hoping that it's over soon. This thing really knocked me for a loop.

  9. Christine, sorry to hear you have it, too. I actually saw someone on CNN claiming that there was no "regular" flu out there yet...he needs to speak with my doctor. Get well, soon.


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