Monday, July 08, 2019

Silent Book Clubs

It tuns out that the new thing among avid Canadian readers is something called a Silent Book Club – although some have taken to calling them Book Clubs for Introverts.  So how does a silent book club differ from a traditional book club?  As it turns out, in a whole bunch of ways. 

It will probably not surprise any of you to learn that I have never been a member of a formal book club because very few men ever have, really. The main reason that men are not generally book club members is that there are relatively few of us in the first place.  And because male readers are generally unlikely to talk out loud about their reading amongst their peers, most of us don’t know enough interested male readers to form a book club even if we wanted to.  

Of course, a man can always join a book club that would otherwise be one hundred percent female, but for a number of reasons that is not as easy (or as wise) to do as it as first sounds.  Women tell me that having a male join their book club would negatively impact the discussions they have at the meetings, that the women would lose their sense of privacy and the feeling that anything and everything can be discussed within the confines of the group.  They say, too, that having even one man in the group would result in them having to read books they have no interest in and trying to make sure that their agreed upon selections do not look silly to their token male.  And I, as the lone male in the group, would most likely find myself often reading from genres that do not appeal to me and feeling guilty about forcing my own selection onto a less than enthusiastic group. It’s not a promising experience for either gender.

But Silent Book Clubs are a different thing altogether. They work this way:

Once or twice a month, members grab whatever they are currently reading and head to a local coffee shop or bar at a set time.  The meetings, which generally last between ninety minutes and two hours, begin with twenty or thirty minutes of having each member describe what he/she is currently reading and what they’ve been reading since everyone last met.  Next comes one hour of reading during which all members agree beforehand there will be no talking whatsoever.  About five minutes prior to the end of the hour, a designated member gives a five-minute -warning so that everyone can finish up at about the same time. Then it’s up to the individual members as to whether they stay around for more book discussion and socializing.  Some stay, some leave. And that’s it; simple as that.

Other than allowing me to finally become a book club member, there are lots of advantages to this type of club:  

·      There is no pressure to read something just because the rest of the group wants to read it.
·      Members will not be intimidated into keeping their opinions to themselves by more dominant or better-spoken members of the group.
·      There are no deadlines to meet.
·      No preparation is required – just grab what you are already reading and go.
·      Read whatever you want to read, no matter the genre or subject matter.
·      Support a local business or two without having to take a turn hosting (and all that entails) a book club meeting in your home.
·      Learn about what others are reading, what is popular and trending, and what new books are coming soon.  Discover books and authors that would have otherwise been missed or overlooked.
·      Force one solid hour of uninterrupted reading into your busy schedule, an hour away from all of life’s distractions.

The meeting guidelines I’ve described were taken from Vicki Ziegler’s interview on the website. That website includes a five-minute audio file from CBC Radio in which Vicki (member and organizer of a Toronto silent book club) explains the concept of silent book clubs and why they are catching on in Canada. 

I like it.  Now if someone in North Houston is listening…


  1. What an interesting post Sam. My bookclub is - all women, mostly seniors except for one 20-somethings which has been a wonderful addition.

    I think the concept you described sounds great, as an introvert, I like being around people but prefer not whole lot of chat chat LOL, and of course, I love coffee. Haven't heard of this yet here in New England.

    1. I like just about everything about a Silent Book Club, Diane. It allows for exactly the kind of general book-talk that I crave in the real world but seldom get. And that's mostly because men are hesitant to show a whole lot of public enthusiasm about reading. The stigma of nerdiness we were tarred with as boys sticks with us well into adulthood.

  2. :) I'm in for this kind of book club. A great way to find out about books that others are reading--and deciding which you might want to add to your own TBR list.

    1. The whole concept sounds great, doesn't it? I suppose it's kind of a take-off on the silent reading that is done in public school classrooms, especially in elementary schools. I always thought that was a great way to reinforce the fun of reading in younger students - a chance for them to get a sort of peer approval for their efforts.

  3. I'm not a member of a book club either and probably will never be. About 10 years ago our local library said it was starting one up. I really did agonise about whether to join but decided not to in the end. The thing is, I'm really not good at speaking up at group meetings. If I know people very well I'm fine but a bunch of strangers? No. Weirdly, I'm quite happy talking one to one or in small groups of two or three, and very often strike up conversations with strangers in queues etc. I'm not *really* shy, just no confidence in large groups of strangers. And yes, there's also the thing of *having* to read a book in a certain time that might not be to my taste.

    The other thing I would say is that I would definitely *not* join a book group that had even a vague policy of keeping men out. The only way for the sexes to understand each other better is to mix as often as possible. I do have to admit that my book choices are very eclectic and I'm not afraid to read what might be thought of as 'men's' books... possibly that's not that common. In fact I might go so far as to say that in a book group situation it would be some of the female choices that wouldn't appeal very much. LOL! Very interesting post, Sam.

    1. Cath, for a long, long time I was pretty much the way you describe yourself when it comes to speaking to groups of strangers. Then I figured out that most everyone in the group was just as insecure about that kind of thing as I was and that we were letting a handful of blowhards dominate us just because they felt comfortable doing it. They certainly weren't any smarter or better educated than the rest of us; they just were not worried about embarrassing themselves. So I joined the blowhards and never looked back - although I do try to make sure that I have something to offer when I do speak.

      My reading choices are very often the ones that don't find a wide audience. I notice that my reviews of those books get only a fraction of the hits and comments that a more popular book gets. The same would happen for me in a book club, I'm sure. That's another reason I've never been a member of one. Blogging and connecting with people like you are about the closest thing to that experience I'm ever likely to have.


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