Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Happy 200th Birthday to Mr. Dickens

Happy 200th birthday to Charles Dickens. I posted this little BBC biography a couple of years ago and was pleased to see that it is still available.  Take a look... the whole life of Charles Dickens told in just over four minutes.

 I haven't read any Dickens in several months but this is making me want to pull another one off the shelves.    Enjoy.


  1. Thank you for posting this! I haven't seen it before and since I had posted a birthday posting for Dickens, I was drawn to yours. It is so good that I just had to share it on Twitter and Facebook, using your icons at the end of your post, thus giving you credit for posting.

  2. I've been hearing a lot about Bleak House today and thinking that is the next Dickens I will read.

  3. Shirley, I'm happy that you enjoyed the clip and appreciate you passing it onward. Thanks for that.

  4. Amazing what you can tell about a life in just 4 1/2 minutes, isn't it, Sherry?

  5. Bleak House is a great book - and a challenge, Kathleen. Let me know what you think of it.

  6. Nik, I'm happy to see that you enjoyed it. I remembered using it two years ago for another reason and just had to find it again. Thanks.


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